Home > Azië > Nepal > Reisverslag oktober 2011 Langtang

Olga Lasota, Children`s Future Organization, Kathmandu, Nepal

In de zomer van 2011 horen we dat een vrouw die we kennen uit een weeshuis in Kathmandu een tocht naar het Langtangdal gaat maken. We vragen haar te gaan kijken bij het waterproject. Terug in Kathmandu schrijft ze het volgende:

“Namaste and hello from Nepal, I returned from a marvellous Langtang-trek one week ago. Made it to Kyangin Gompa and saw two water outlets on the way, one in Mundu and one in Shindum. There might be a third one in Mundu but somehow I did not make it till there. I also did not contact Gyalbu and Temba in Langtang Village, because we arrived there quite late in the afternoon and started early the next morning. Anyway, the most important task was to speak to the ladies and to some male villagers in Mundu and Sindhum. So I did on the way to Kayngin and then again on the way down from Kyangin Gompa. All together I spoke to half a dozen people and everybody said the same thing: the people are happy with the water system and it was a terrific thing to build it. It is used regularly and with great enthusiasm.

The water system functions very well in Mundu (attached pictures). What has happened there last winter however was, that the opening/closing device (made of plastic, I understood) has broken due to ice and cold weather, so that the outlet pipe cannot be closed anymore. This is not a big problem, I understood. Another pipe then was attached to the outlet.

In Sindhum the people use the place for washing dishes and laundry regularly, but with a normal pipe only, because obviously the pipe has gone out of place in the Sindhum outlet (see photo). This happened, so the villagers say, because `goats`, other animals and children have played with the outlet pipe a lot and it got loose.”

Deze berichtgeving hebben we kort gesloten met Steve en we hebben begrepen dat Steve in december in Langtang was en de slangen aan de tappunten heeft gerepareerd.

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